miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

ElDorado is...Dorado

The late Dr. Pangloss tutored young Candide and cultured him in philosophical knowledge. One of his most repeated theories was that, “This [is the] best of all possible worlds…[and] that all is for the best.”(p.20) Candide had a hard time grasping this idea, sometimes questioning its validity (and with good reason). However, when his adventures took him to the country of Eldorado he says, “It is probably the country where all goes well; for there must obviously be some such place. And whatever Professor Pangloss might say, I often noticed that all went badly in Westphalia.”(p.77) Then a month later, he and his travel companion, Cacambo, decide to leave Eldorado.
This is the most irrational decision imaginable. The people of this country are generous and welcoming, the stones on the roads are gold, emeralds, and rubies, and everything is lavish and lovely. Who could ask for anything more? Yet, Candide and Cacambo seem determined to leave this quasi-paradise.
The king of the country also shows his bewilderment at this decision. “‘This is a foolish scheme of yours,’ said the King; ‘I realize that my country is not much to boast of, but a man should be satisfied with what works moderately well.’”(p.23) Of course this is an ironic understatement because for Candide and Cacambo this country is the most magnificent they have ever seen. Yet, the King is right when he protests that they should be satisfied.
This dissatisfaction is all too common among humans. They are blessed with wonderful things, yet they continue to seek for improvements. Like the saying, “the grass is greener on the other side”. However, most times this proverb is completely false. When Candide left the country, a captain promptly robbed him of his riches. Candide had been planning to strike it rich and prosper after leaving Eldorado. Yet ironically enough, he is quickly stripped of all his wealth. In his casethe grass was clearly not greener on the other side, if anything it was dead and lifeless. Sadly, Candide committed the all to common mistake of not realizing a blessing until it’s gone. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Human kind is clearly flawed. One of the reasons why Earth today is in such grave danger is because of this. We are NEVER satisfied. The difference between "need" and want" has changed the world drastically. Our consumerist society has come to an extent where materialism feeds our happiness. In my blog: http://dystopia-today.blogspot.com/, I as well discuss how people who's life search for wealth and fame, lead them to become empty and truly unhappy. Why do you think people must feed on materials to be happy? What has led humanity to become this way?

  2. Gaby, I also thought that Candide and Cacambo leaving Eldorado was an extremely irrational decision. All this time, Candide went through dreadful experiences that made him doubt Pangloss' philosophy. Here, in this utopian society, he has finally found a place that the optimist philosophy actually applies to. The fact that he is leaving simply because he wants to be with Cunegonde (who is marrying another man) is unbelievable to me. I also like how you connected this to the real world. Humans are never satisfied with what they have and this was shown in Candide when he was not happy that Cunegonde was not with him.
