domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

More Than Meets The Eye

His name was Charlie Bucket, he was gaunt and pale, poorly dressed in tattered clothing. He had just walked into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and the other kids were ogling him. They made fun of his pathetic appearance, little did they know he’d soon be the heir of the factory.

            His name was Billy Pilgrim, he had silver military boots, a blue curtain draped across his shoulders and his hands wrapped in a ragged jacket. He walked through the streets of Dresden and the Germans laughed at him. Yet, little did they know that Billy was well aware of their tragic fate. They on the other hand were clueless to the fact that in a short month their city would be bombed into oblivion.
            What if the other kids in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory had known Charlie would be the only one to succeed? Would they have been so fast to judge him for being poor? If they ever saw him again, would they apologize?
            What about in Billy’s case…if they had known that Billy possessed knowledge about the future, would they have treated him different? Would they have sought his advice instead of pointing their menacing fingers?
            Why are people so quick to judge? If someone is too fat, too ugly or too poor, society always seems to tear those people down. They regard these people with dismay and look down on them.
Charlie and Billy were so much more than those people could even imagine, it just goes to show that there’s always more than meets the eye.

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